Livonia Pom

WE never dreamed about success, WE worked for it!


Important Dates!

  • Clinic Forms due February 17
  • Clinic: February 26
  • Tryouts: March 10-12

  • 2016 States!

    The Mid American Pompon State Championship is Sunday, February 7, 2016 at the Breslin Center (MSU). For more information click here.

    2016-2017 Livonia Pom Tryouts (March 10-12)

    2016-2017 Livonia Pom Tryouts (March 10-12)

    Girls who will be in 5th-8th grades for the 2016-2017 school year are invited to try out for the 2016-2017 Livonia Pompon team! To participate or for more details click here to download the flyer. The registration Form MUST be completed and returned on the first day of tryouts, March 10.


    March 10th, 6-8pm @ Newburgh United Methodist Church
    March 11th, 6-8pm @ Kennedy Elementary School
    March 12th, 10am-?? @ Newburgh United Methodist Church


    Newburgh United Methodist Church (NUMC)
    36500 Ann Arbor Tr.
    Livonia, MI 48154

    Kennedy Elementary School
    14201 Hubbard St
    Livonia, MI 48154



    2015 State Champs!

    The Livonia Middle School pom team, which is made up of girls from all three of the city's middle and upper-elementary schools, won the MAPP state championship Feb. 8 at Michigan State University. The team out-performed nine other teams from across Michigan.

    2015 State Champs!